corona virus

How we utilise the current situation.

Close to a month ago, the Federal Council issued an ordinance stipulating that schools and public institutions in Switzerland are to remain closed until 19 April 2020 and that home office are to be introduced as of now if possible. Although Ronovatec AG has a very large office, we have decided to implement this for us and stay at home - for the protection of our employees and our entire environment.
As our team has already exchanged a lot of information on digital way and all collaboration tools were available and already in use, the change should not be drastic for us – so we thought:
Home office and home schooling: as I am experiencing myself right now, it is by no means an easy task to keep both children, school, the office or simply the household happy - especially since shopping with children is almost a no-go.
The implementation of a general assembly for the purpose of a capital increase brought completely new challenges: ban on meetings with 5 or more people, written correspondence, consent, formal requirements, substitutions. Everything had to be set up within a short time and was also carried out in accordance with the law. But the additional effort was massive.
The planned business trips to France and Italy had to be cancelled. Instead, the conversations are now conducted via video chat.
The situation also has positive aspects: We are taking advantage of the opportunity. Our advantage; we are small, flexible and agile. This allows us to bring forward work that was scheduled for later this year and do it now, and work that cannot be done at the moment due to the situation moves back on the timeline.
Personally, I have learned to appreciate personal conversations, meetings and meetings even more. In this sense, I hope for you and for us that we will come through this all well and emerge from the crisis positively strengthened.
Stay healthy. We still have a lot to do! I am looking forward to the next personal meeting with our team and our partners.
Caroline, Operations
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